Can anyone accurately describe a torrent? This is our almost impossible task : to give, via words, an idea of the force that erupts in torrents of colours on Willy Van Eeckhout's canvases. Superb, daring, but always perfectly chosen colours passionately affixed, sometimes generously flung, form a world to be looked at in awe and where the beholder can wander, stupefied by so much beauty. But decades of these passionate artistic exertions nearly cost Willy Van Eeckhout his life and consequently he began to refrain his flashes of energy and started to put his immense knowledge and experience in the making of calmer and less explosive works : his big acryls on paper, and his palimpsests, which he produces by combining several techniques on diverse documents stuck together. He thus obtains exquisite images, full of symbolic and literary references. The magnificent lava of this volcanic painter is now less forcefully projected, and nowadays it frequently flows with more restraint, but with the same sureness, taste and brilliance, to treat us to many-layered works of great Art.
Belgian, born in Mechelen (Malines) in 1943.
Education : Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Mechelen, National Higher Institute of Antwerp, State Normal School for Art in Hasselt, State Higher Institute for Arts of Brussels.
Innumerable individual and group-exhibitions - Works in private and public collections in Belgium and abroad.