The average photo-lover might not see it, but a huge difference exists between photos taken digitally and reworked on the computer, and the "traditional" photography. Stefan De Lay is and remains fanatically faithful to the latter category. Photos to him are "complete artistic objects whose result is the fruit of technical and creative work such as planning, setting, and lightning, film developing and printing. The whole process resting on non hazardous techniques" (his own words).
Belgian, born in 1966.
Absolutely and definitely autodidact.
To obtain the dazzling results that can be seen on these pages, he uses the very best available tools which are not corrupted by an illusory "progress" : the legendary Hasselblad camera, the high(est)-quality films and fine (baryte) paper, treated with selenium for optimum and long-lasting preservation.
This perfectionist is even slightly reluctant to show his photos on the Internet, because "I deplore my pictures lack of definition on screen partly due to an important loss of black and white nuances", to quote him again.
Have nevertheless a look and enjoy !
P.S. Stefan De Lay is at your diposal for taking your portrait : more than a splendid photo, an artistic study. Please contact us for any further details.