Jean Christophe Grignard is a real Renaissance man, as his activities include several fields. Indeed, he is a scientist (biology and marine biology), a professional photographer, an explorer of oceans, seas, lakes and rivers (all over the world), a passionate and professional consultant-environmentalist, a defender of the endangered biodiversity, an accomplished sportsman, and an aesthete. Deeply aware of and overwhelmed by the beauties of our natural aquatic resources, he has made it his mission (a.o.) to render them in breathtaking photos. If anybody would still think that photography is not an art achievement equal to the other art forms, any doubt is here and now and for always removed, as the sheer splendor revealed in his works is obvious and gives a rare aesthetic pleasure. E-ArtSource is proud to present some of his images, not easily chosen out of a multitudinous superb production.
Belgian, born in Mons in 1968.
Education :
Biology : Master of Biological Science at the University of Mons-Hainaut with a specialization in Marine Biology at the National University of Singapore.
Photography : graduated at the Ecole des Métiers dArt du Hainaut.
It should be stated that in the person of Muriel Canivez, Jean Christophe Grignard has found his muse, his model and the ablest possible assistant, who may definitely share the fruits of his reputation.