There is only one "-ism" that Frank de Wit truly thrives on : classicism. Not that he dislikes the other schools and movements, but he really feels at ease in a pictorial world which bathes in the subtle and scintillating light of the Old Dutch Masters. Furthermore, while looking at some of his small-sized and exceptionally well balanced paintings, one is reminded of the soft, poetic, and slightly mysterious atmosphere of Corot's works, and often of Chardin's wondrous still lives. Although the respective techniques are totally different, one can definitely feel that Vincent's ghost floats over some of the paintings of his compatriot. Despite these (very fine) influences, Frank de Wit's works are truly original and contemporary, even if they seem to swim against the present current.
Dutch, born in Eindhoven (The Netherlands) in 1973.
Education : Master's degree in painting at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Antwerp.
Here reign harmony, repose and a touch of melancholy.