We have deliberately decided to choose a particular aspect in the multi-facetted oeuvre of Colette Duck : colour. We could have shown representative works pertaining to all her other researches (photography, video, infrared shots, drawings, prints, cobalt paintings, scanachromes, installations, her collaboration with the philosopher-anthropologist Henri Van Lier and the master glass-maker Egidio Costantini, etc.), in which she has excelled as well, but prefer to concentrate on her excitingly coloured paintings. By the same token, we leave to others the privilege to analyse her emotional and intellectual motives, particularly in her ever recurrent drive to contemplate and paint a magnificent Alpine mountain she fell in love with, the Wetterstein. For us, the purely pictorial aspect of her works i.e. her way with colours, sometimes explosive, sometimes subdued and ethereal, is primordial. However, one's attention should also be drawn to her obsessive interest in the constant and perpetual transformation of moutain-landscapes and city-views into never-returning/always different states and points of view.
Belgo-German, born in 1949 of a Belgian father and a German mother (Dresden).
Education : St-Luc Art school (ESA), Brussels, where she became a teacher afterwards, and still is.
Innumerable exhibitions in Belgium, Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Switzerland, Denmark, Japan, etc.